
June 26, 2018
Driving for Dynamic – Interview With Robert Rodman
Dynamic Interview robert rodman

Driving for Dynamic – Interview With Robert Rodman

We caught up with Driver Robert Rodman to talk about his experience at Dynamic Transit. With over 30 years under his belt, he immediately saw the difference at Dynamic Transit. Robert says “it’s the people and the miles that put Dynamic Transitway above the rest.” Watch the video below and see why driving for Dynamic is the best.

Melinda: Hi, I’m Melinda. I’m a Recruiter here at Dynamic Transit and I got Robert, one of our drivers, here. I’m just asking him some questions about why he likes Dynamic. Robert, tell us a little about yourself.

Robert: My name is Robert Rodman. I’m a Driver here at Dynamic Transit. Over-the-road and that is pretty much about it.

Melinda: How long have you been working at Dynamic Transit?

Robert: A little over six years.

Melinda: Okay, and you had a million miles here at Dynamic, and I understand you have a lot of miles under your belt already, but if you could say how it felt when Ron (Dynamic Transit’s Safety Manager) told you-you got your million miles. How did that feel?

Robert: It felt pretty good. Ron was letting me know ahead of time I was getting close to the miles. When I reached it, I felt good about that.

Melinda: And, what about your favorite running lanes? Where do you like to run the most?

Robert: I like to run to the Northwest.

Melinda: Why is that?

Robert: Less traffic.

Melinda: More snow and mountains though, right?

Robert: It doesn’t bother me. I have been doing it long enough.

Melinda: Okay, good. How many miles would you say you average in a week?

Robert: 3800–4200.

Melinda: All right, that’s awesome. On the high-end too. You must be a hard runner.

Robert: Yes, I try to be.

Melinda: And, how long have you been in the trucking business other than Dynamic?

Robert: I have been doing this for 33 years.

Interview With Robert Rodman

Melinda: So how many miles would you say total you have under your belt?

Robert: Over 10 million.

Melinda: Oh man… Can you tell me what you would say to new drivers coming into Dynamic? Maybe some advice you would give them.

Robert: Yes, run as hard as you can. Everybody here likes that. We base this company in working that way. One of the good things about working here is the people I deal with, they are all nice. Dynamic knows my name, where I want to go, and how I like to work. It takes everybody here to make that happen. I take as a driver, the fleet manager, and the person getting the loads. It takes everybody in the back office like in safety and everything else. As long as everybody works together and does their part, everything works great.

Melinda: All right, great. Can you tell me for somebody that is considering Dynamic, what you think makes this place different and maybe better than any other place you have been?

Robert:  Because of the closeness here. Everybody is friendly. Everybody knows who you are. You’re not just a number, truck number, or employee number. You’re a person. They know your name.

Melinda: Are you a person that has their HAZMAT and tanker endorsements?

Robert: Yes, I do.

Melinda: All right, so you’re making money right now.

Robert: Yes.

Concluding Interview With Robert Rodman

Melinda: Tell me one more thing. How would you describe Dynamic Transit? Would you say everybody is friendly here? Can you tell me how they treated you, or what made you come over here to try this place out?

Robert: Well, I come here to run the miles. That’s the biggest thing. I’m in this business to make money. I didn’t come into this business for mediocrity. As drivers, you can only make money when the truck is moving. A lot of other companies are only going to run you 24, 26, 27 hundred miles. I can’t really make a living doing that. Over here, I can run 38, 42 hundred miles, 44 hundred miles sometimes. I can make a good living. That is one of the best things about being here. Not to mention too, the environment. Those things all add up. Those things matter to people that have been in the business for a while.

Melinda: All right, sounds good. Well, do you have anything else to say?

Robert: This is a great place to work. I like working here, I really do.

Melinda: All right, great. Thank you very much for talking with me today.

Robert: Thank you.

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