We are willing to work with you to better fit your needs when it comes to home time. Our hiring area allows drivers the flexibility to get home often.
Want more information about Dynamic Transit?
We’re all family at Dynamic Transit. When you drive for us, you drive for a winning team that pays you with the respect you deserve. We invest in our drivers and strongly believe in promoting from within.
We know what it means to be an OTR driver. Both our owners and most of our management team were standing in your shoes more than 30 years ago. They built our company around giving drivers a better experience on the road.
We hire professional drivers who put safety first, drivers who look for ways to improve a customer’s experience, are dependable and reliable. We want you to be part of our team — but only if you’re as committed to excellence as we are.
At Dynamic Transit, drivers can expect predictable home time, reliable equipment and competitive benefits. As a result, our driver retention rate is three times the industry average.