
October 10, 2019
Football Season: The Importance of Teamwork

The 2019-2020 National Football League (NFL) season is already in full swing. The New England Patriots, Kansas City Chiefs, Baltimore Ravens and Houston Texans all lead their respective divisions. What makes these groups so successful? Teamwork.   There’s no way a football team can be successful without teamwork. The offense and defense have to do […]

October 3, 2019
The Trucking Industry: By the Numbers

Do you ever think about how products you use on a daily basis got to the store? Have you considered how the new appliance you bought at your local home goods store made it there? Chances are they were delivered by a professional driver employed by the trucking industry.   Professional drivers play an important […]

September 26, 2019
Underride Guards: Should They Be Mandated?

Rules and regulations aren’t always fun to follow. But, they sometimes guide us in the right direction. Laws like speed limits and other rules of the road help keep us safe. Many OTR drivers have even more regulations to follow, primarily because they’re responsible for hauling heavy loads. Semis sit higher off the ground and […]

September 12, 2019
Dynamic Celebrates National Truck Driver Appreciation Week – 2019

This week, we honor the approximately 3.5 million drivers who move an estimated 70 percent of the United States’ freight. These dedicated professionals work tirelessly to ensure products are picked up and delivered across the country safely and on-time. To focus on the impact these drivers have on the United States and its economy, we’ve […]

September 4, 2019
Four Tips for Better Sleep in Your Truck

As an OTR driver, you spend a lot of time on the road. Even though you get to drive to and through a lot of interesting places and meet new people, the route can sometimes feel monotonous. This is especially true if you’re sleepy or fatigued.   Although the hours of service regulations you’re required […]

August 29, 2019
Five Misconceptions About OTR Drivers

If you’re reading this blog sitting on a couch or chair, chances are that product was delivered to a retailer by an OTR driver. Trucks move approximately 70 percent of the United States’ freight by weight and they’re driven by about 3.5 million drivers.   Like other professions, there are stereotypes about truckers that just […]

August 22, 2019
Back to School Safety Tips for OTR Drivers

As with most years, summer has passed quickly, and most children are back to school. It’s back to a busy routine – and busier roads in a lot of places. Though OTR drivers don’t pass through residential areas for much of their route, it’s an occasion that requires extra safety awareness. That’s why it’s a […]

August 14, 2019
Pre-trip Checklists for OTR Drivers: Ensuring Safety for You and Your Teammates

Planning and preparation are an important part of any trip. This is especially the case for OTR drivers carrying heavy and sometimes hazardous materials.   In addition to avoiding problems down the road, pre-trip checklists give drivers a systematic method to ensure their truck and all its connected systems are ready for a long haul. […]

August 8, 2019
Highlights Across the Country for Dynamic Drivers

Dynamic’s 48-state operating authority, which includes a strong presence in the Greater Midwest, Southwest, West Coast and Pacific Northwest, allows our drivers to see a lot of the United States. They get to view a lot of scenery many others don’t and visit unique attractions.   Whether you have a 10 break or a 34-hour […]

August 1, 2019
Six Tips for Staying Alert on a Long Haul

As an over-the-road driver, you’re used to long hauls. Sometimes you get to see new places, other days it’s the same old scenery. Either way, sometimes it can be tough to stay alert while driving a big rig for multiple hours per day.   Driving tired can be dangerous for you and others with whom […]