
January 22, 2018
Building a Healthier Routine That Works For You
healthy driver


Happy New Year! As we kick off 2018, many truck drivers are setting their New Year’s resolutions around
healthier habits, like eating better, working out, or just sleeping more. And for good measure. Life on the road
can be draining and unpredictable–unless you have the right routine. Finding (and sticking to) a schedule will
help you keep those goals on track through 2018 and beyond.


Planning ahead

A little preparation goes a long way. Before accepting your load from dispatch, get in the habit of planning the
trip from start to finish either on your phone or on paper. Plan time for meals, rest breaks and fuel stops. Having
your schedule set ahead of time is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce stress, take control of your
day-to-day routine and even add a little extra money to your wallet.


Sleeping on the road

Getting enough sleep every day is key to maintaining your overall health and energy levels. Set your sleep
schedule on the road as close as you can to your sleep schedule at home to prevent exhaustion. During your
10 hours of off-duty time, dedicate at least 7-8 of those hours to a good night’s sleep.

Not only should you be getting enough sleep, but also quality sleep. If you’re always waking up during the
middle of the night, too much light or sound could be the problem. Too much blue light from phones, laptops
or other screens can strain your eyes and prevent you from falling asleep. Adding a white noise machine or sun
shade to your cab can also help you sleep like a baby.


Eating on the road

Just like sleeping, finding a healthy eating routine is all about making time and staying consistent. Whether
your day starts at 5 a.m. or 5 p.m., start off with a healthy breakfast. Reach for a granola bar, spread some
peanut butter on toast, or toss some fresh fruit into a bowl of oatmeal. All these take only minutes to make and
will keep your energy up for the first several hours of the day.

For lunch and dinner, slow cookers are a great way to control what you eat. Slow cooker meals are often
healthy, easy to make and fit in perfectly with your schedule. Better yet, they make plenty of leftovers, so you
only have to make two or three dishes to have a week’s worth of meals. Cook on the same days every week so
it becomes a habit and always gives you a good meal to look forward to.


Fitness on the road

Even without a gym membership, making fitness a part of your schedule is possible for any trucker. Start by
setting aside 15-30 minutes every day for some kind of workout. A few sets of pushups or light jog before
dinner is a surefire way to kickstart your appetite and reward yourself for a job well done. Working out at the
same time every day is the best way to make sure it becomes a habit. And trust us, your body will thank you for
the extra effort.

Getting into a routine is a challenge on the road. It takes a little trial and error to find one that leaves you both
happy and healthy, but it’s so worth it in the long run. Follow these tips and make 2018 the year you find the
perfect balance.

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