5 Dos and Don’ts During Your Trucking Company Transition
A few months ago we talked about knowing when it is time to break-up with your current trucking company. As the year draws to a close and you think about the changes in your future, or changes you wish you would make, it will be valuable to know how to leave your trucking company on good terms. Some ways are better than others, and the right ways always deserve consideration and care.
First, some general DON’Ts of breaking up with your trucking employer:
DON’T abandon the load.
When you’re looking for your next job or even a job three years down the road, don’t throw in the towel too early. Abandoning a company truck and load will taint your record and give recruiters a reason to pass on your application. Recruiters are usually running a DAC report and verifying your employment history with your previous employers.
“We’re looking for a positive previous work record,” Sam Khani, a recruiter at Dynamic Transit, says. “I’m looking for a work history detail that includes anything like ‘quit under dispatch’, ‘abandoned truck’ or ‘unauthorized location’. That detail tells me that a driver may be unprofessional cannot sever ties with a job civilly.”
DON’T quit under dispatch.
Be responsible enough to finish the job. Refusing to deliver a load to final delivery means another driver has to finish for you. It’s a bad move. You’re interfering with the other driver’s income and time while burning every one of your bridges.
Refer to the previous reason – this will most likely give recruiters a reason to turn you down for a job you want. If you really can’t deliver a load because you have an obligation to a next job, talk to your dispatcher. You might be able to work something and avoid burning the bridge.
Now that you know what not to do when leaving your trucking company, here are steps to take when it’s time to call things off with your employer:
DO talk to your driver manager.
Here’s the thing – if you’re ready to leave a job, your driver manager probably knows it already. Still, you should have a talk with your driver manager about why you’re leaving.
This isn’t a time to air every grievance. This is a time to clarify what hasn’t worked for you. However, also let them know what was good. You know, the “It’s not you, it’s me” routine. It’s important to remain professional.
DO give plenty of notice.
Every company is different in how much advanced notice they expect you to give before resigning. Ask a manager how much notice they expect you to give and how they would like you to resign. There might be paperwork involved. Two weeks is standard, but depending on the size and workload of your company, they may dismiss you right away or ask you to hold on for a little longer. Either way, you will be doing the right thing by giving your current employer time to plan around your departure.
DO see the job through.
It’s too easy when you have an end in sight to start slacking on the job. Your heart is already in the future and it’s hard to keep your head in the game. Hang in there and finish strong.
If you have decided it’s time to begin switching trucking companies, give one of Dynamic Transit’s recruiters a call today!